Remember that the higher level you are the more gold you will earn per hour, you have to think about why you choose to farm gold at low level in the first place. Free gear upgrades are available via questing, and this is easy as long as you do quest at your own level (Yellow or Green colored quest).
So the only reason that you would need to farm at low level is to obtain your first level 30 mount (total cost 45g). Otherwise focus on achieving Level 70 with our leveling guide before you begin focusing on Gold Farming.
And at Level 60 you might want to farm some more to upgrade to a Fast 100% ground mount.
Power Farming Tips
Gear selections is important, the idea is to kill as fast as you can. Try to stack up on as much as offensive gear as possible, e.g. having extra Stamina is worthless as you can recover quickly with bandages. Having more Strength, Agility or Intellect and Spirit is far more important.
Turn on Auto Loot, Most items stack, sort all unwanted at the same time later, key here is to save time and loot as fast as you can.
Minimize downtime. Sometimes you don’t need full health to carry on.
Focus DPS on all mobs. Don’t bother focusing your damage to kill one mob at a time as killing them all at the same time is always faster even though you end up with less HP but that’s easily recoverable with bandages.
Before You start
Empty your bags leave all unnecessary stuff in the bank you need all the bag space you can get. Make sure you’re fully repaired and stocked up on food, water and other reagents required for your class e.g. (flash powders for rouges). Running out of reagents or food can cost your precious farming time.
Try to fill up all your bag slots, as more bag slots = more profit. This will save you time running back to the vendor to empty your bag. Don’t be afraid to purchase bags because all bags are not Soulbound that means you can use it then resell it when you decide to upgrade.
Level 1 – Just use what you can find from mobs.
Level 9 – Don’t worry about 6 slot bags, save up for 8 slot bags which are usually about 15s-20s each.
Level 18 – You should have a full set of 10 slot bags costing around 40s each.
Level 30 – Skip 12 slot bags and get a 14 slot bag which costs around 2g-2g50s each.
Level 30 Gold Farming Guide
Thunderaxe Fotress (5-7g/hour) : Farming Humanoid for Silk Cloth is the best way to earn maximum gold in a short time without involving any proffession. In Desolace there's a high amount of humanoid that will drop a lot of Silk Cloth. You should be able to get about 30-40 Silk Cloth an hour.
This is the easiest place for ANY Level 30 character to collect Silk Cloth and the NPCs are all level 30
On average you will collect
1g20s of money picked up
36 Silk Cloth = 3g60s
5 Trash Grey Armor/Weapons average vendor price of 10s each = 50s
1-2 Green Item worth about 50s each in AH

Arathi Highlands (5-7g/hour): This is also a very good location if you prefer to farm in the Eastern Kingdom, being close to Refuge Point & Hammerfall makes it ideal to minimize travel time. However the NPC are slightly higher level at 31-32.

Level 40 Gold Farming Guide
Scarlet Monastery (16-18g/hour): The Scarlety Monastery is located in Trisfal Glades Horde territory but Alliance can access them as well. It’s divided into 4 parts Graveyard, Cathedral, Armory and Library.
Graveyard is best for farming simply because of mobs Unfettered Spirit (30-31) these mobs have the same drop % rate as elite mobs even though they’re non-elite and very easy to kill.

in 1 hour of farming using average gear you will gain.
2g50s of money picked up.
3x Stack of Silk Cloth average AH price of 2g per stack = 6g
10 Trash Grey Armor/Weapons average vendor price of 18s each = 1g80s
10 level 27-30 Green BOE items average AH price of 90s = 9g
2 Gems (Citrine / Lesser Moonstone / Jade) AH price of 1g each = 2g
Grand total of around 18g per hour
It is usually better if you Disenchant the green items and sell the mats
This is possible for any level 40 class, by ignoring (sneaking pass) the elite mobs and killing mostly the triplets of Unfettered Spiri (26-32)
Horde: Set your hearth to Brill.
Alliance: Set your hearth to South Shore. Takes a bit longer for alliance to reach SM than horde but using this guide it should only take you no more than 5mins with a level 30 mount. Read below for shortest route to Scarlet Monestary
Shortest route to Scarlet Monestary for Alliance

From South Shore run North to Alterac Mountains, follow the road to Western Plaguelands, along the road in Western Plaguelands you should reach Chillwind Camp and you can pick up a new flight path. From Chillwind Camp follow the road head North West see map.
Swim through the water, after you reach the other side of the water unfortunately you might run into at least 2 level 55 mobs that will most likely kill you, avoid them and keep running to your destination as best as you can. After you die return to your corpse resurrect and keep running to Bulwark you’re safe from any high level mob once you reach bulwark and run the rest of the way to SM. Allowing for 1 death it should take no more than 10 mins but If you’re in a PVP server it can take you longer if you run across to any Horde.
If you’re a Rouge or Druid this is ideal as you’ll be able to avoid dying quite easily. Safest way to travel is to go through Silverpine Forest, running on foot will take you at least 15mins without dying.
When you reached Scarlet Monastery
Go into the Graveyard instance, to reach the Unfettered Spirit (26-32) area you only need to kill 2 elite mobs, and bypass the rest. Download this quick clip to show you how. Any class should be able to solo the Unterred Spirit (26-32) you just need to watch out for patrolling mobs. Keep an eye out for a rare spawn elite mob such as Fallen Champion (32-33)+ and Ironspine (28-33)+ they guarantee a Rare BOP drop and sometimes a Rare BOE drop which you can sell for tons of gold. This area is likely to have a chest as well, if it's not there it's most likely inside the building ahead, you can reach them by killing the mobs. The chest contains 1-2 random Green BOE to sell at AH. Once you run of Unfettered Spiri (26-32) to farm, reset the instance in these steps.
Resetting the Instance
1. Leave the instance
2. Right click your potrait
3. Select Reset all instance and confirm Yes.
When you finish
After about an hour it’s likely that you’re running out of bag space, its time to hearth back to Brill (Horde) or South Shore (Alliance). Sell all grey items to any vendor and head over to the mail box. Mail all items you wish to sell in the AH to your mule. Repair, stock up and head back to SM until you have enough.
Other Farming location for Level 40
Badlands (12-20g/hour) : Just east of Kargath Rock Elemental (36-38), these drop [Elemental Earth] which are worth around 2-5g each on most servers and they drop high value grey stones to sell to vendors. On an average hour you will earn 3g worth of grey stones vendor items, and 4 [Elemental Earth] which sell for about 2-5g in most servers.
Alterac Mountains (10-16g/hour with Skinning): At Growless Cave farm the large population of Mountain Yeti (30-33) and Giant Yeti (32-34). With your skinning they can drop a variety of Leather and Hide. [Heavy Leather] has the highest drop rate, and if you’re lucky you can find [Large Fang] which is very valuable in the AH.
In an average hour with skinning you will earn:
1g60s of money picked up
3x 20 [Heavy Leather] average AH price of 2g50s per stack = 7g50s
35 [Medium Leather] average AH price of 5s each = 1.75g
18 [Heavy Hide] average AH price of 15s each = 2g70s
4 [Medium Hide] average AH price of 5s each = 20s
8 [Large Fang] average AH price of 50s each = 4gs
Any level 40 class should be able to kill and skin these yetis non-stop, if there’s other people in the area also killing the yetis usually they’re questing and you can skin their kills. For level 40 with skinning this is better than going all the way to SM since it’s very close to Tarren Mill and South Shore. Zero downtime is the key you should at least be able to kill and skin a yeti every 30 seconds that will get you at least a variety of 120 leather/hides total.
Power Farming Scarlet Monastery (45-50g/hour): Yes SM Graveyard is still one of the best places to farm even when you’re level 60 because you can do it at a much faster rate. Zone in and kill every ‘Unfetered Spirits’ and any elite mobs that are guarding the chest.
On an average run you will get:
30 [Silk Cloth] average AH price of 3g
6 Grey Armor/weapons average 30s each = 1g80s
6 level 27-30 Green BOE items average AH price of 90s = 5g40s
1 level 27-30 Rare BOP items average vendor price of 35s
1g80s of money picked up
Grand total of 10g minimum per run
It is usually better if you Disenchant the green items and sell the mats
A level 60 player can do this entire run in less than 15 mins depending on character so that’s a minimum 4 runs an hour for 36g/hour. A paladin can do this run the fastest by agroing all the enemy then use Shield and Consecration doing 5 runs an hour is achievable with an AOE class.
Recent patch have reduced the number of times you can enter an instance to a maximum of 5 instances an hour. This won't affect this farming technique at all as doing more than 5 runs an hour is quite difficult.
You might want to skip grey vendor trash items and pick up only green items as the trip time spent unloading your goods can add up.
Western Plaguelands Heartglen and Eastern Plaguelands Tyr’s Hands
(30-35g/hour) or (65-85g/hour with Mining):
Farming level 54-57 Elite in Heartglen an hour will earn you on average 35-55g/hour with Mining. These elite's are very easy to kill one at a time, you must interrupt their healing and you should be able to farm these continously.
7 Grey Armor/Weapons average vendor price of 1g each = 7g
2 Green BOE items average AH price of 3g = 6g
40 [Runecloth] 4g per stack = 8g
12g of money picked up
Heartglen have 5 spawn point for Rich Thorium Vein. But only a maximum of 2 will spawn at the same time. Tyr’s Hand also has these veins which make this an ideal place for miners to farm. But it depends on the popularity of the area you’re farming, you might have to compete with other farmers to reach the vein first. If you’re the only one farming the area which can happen sometimes, your potential profit sky rockets.
The rich thorium vein spawns every 15-20mins and they always spawn those 5 points so remember to patrol for the veins every 10 mins. Its often that you get an [Arcane Crystal] (worth around 20g on most servers) an hour if you have control of both veins.
Thorium Ore worth more unsmelted worth over 20g per stack of 20.
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