Farming Fish
The catch rate from pools is a lot higher than open water fishing for the specific type of fish you are catching. So if you don't want to sit in one area fishing or you're after something very specific go to the pools in the zones that are recommended.
Fish prices vary from server to server but I've compiled a chart with the average buyout price and the fish you should be after. For you to tell which fish you should go after on your server and faction, go to the auction house and see which ones from the list are selling and for what. This chart uses the average buyout across all servers.
Fish | Open Water Catch Rate | Recommended Skill | Average Buyout Price (each) |
Deep Sea Monsterbelly | ~20% | 575 | 5g |
Nettlefish | ~30% | 525 | 3g |
Dragonfin Angelfish | ~22% | 475 | 2g |
Glacial Salmon | ~22% | 475 | 2g |
Musselback Sculpin | ~20% | 475 | 2g |
Raw Whitescale Salmon | ~40% | 475 | 2g |
Deep Sea Monsterbelly
The farming locations can be a little scary to find because they are all out in the Frozen Sea. Basically there are a few points you can fly to and land on like broken pillars or icebergs. I'll show you where I fish from as well as the location of the pools. Remember, you can fish for these in open water anywhere in the Frozen Sea, in case these areas are crowded. There are a bunch of icebergs you can on southwest of Grizzly Hills around 60,70 on the Northrend map or 6, 93 on the Grizzly Hills map.

Most people have problems fishing Nettlefish because they only come from Sholazar Basin and it's heavily farmed for a ton of stuff already so there is a lot of PvP that happens. It's hard to sit there fishing peacefully without being killed by other players, but I know of one of the best open water spots in the game. Nettelfish Pools are found in all the inland water sections of Sholazar so if the area I picked out for you is camped just go to any other inland water source.

Dragonfin Angelfish and Musselback Sculpin
This fish can build up quickly if you don't pay attention to your supply. Not only does it come from multiple zones but the spot I'm going to tell you to fish for it, is also the same spot you'll be catching Musselback Sculpin. It's an open water location that you rarely will be bothered at but I'll give you the location of some of the fishing pools as well. In my hot spot, there is a piece of land under the water you can stand on and cast all day and barely anyone comes by to see what you are doing.

Glacial Salmon
To get to my secret spot it's kind of hard without a flying mount if you are Horde, if you are Alliance, you cheat! Alliance can fish for Glacial Salmon right off the dock of Valgarde in Howling Fjord. There are so many pools found on the inland waters of Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills that its as simple as running or flying next to a river to find one.

Raw Whitescale Salmon
The demand for this fish comes from people power leveling their cooking. It is used in a recipe that can get people from 275 to over skill 300, therefore, it has some demand, but because it's in the original World of Warcraft, almost no one farms it. Check your Auction House before you set out to get this fish to see if it's oversupplied or not there, then depending on what you find out, decide whether or not you want to catch some to sell.

Fishing Dailies
In patch 3.1 they added fishing Dailies from Dalaran. You can do these to make some money, the reward you get has a chance to contain items that will get you a little bit of cash on the Auction House.
Blood is Thicker
The bloodtooth is a fiesty little fish used in a recipe to cure infected wounds. We could use some of them, if you're up to it. As the name suggests, they've a hunger for blood. The only way I know how to catch the little devils is by creating a blood pool and fishing in it. Get yourself covered in blood - just slaughter a beast in the Borean Tundra - and then jump in the water. It'll wash right off and create the perfect fishing spot.
Head to Borean Tundra, kill any animal, then head to any inland water source and you will see a blood pool has spawned, cast into it and catch your 5 Bloodtooth Frenzies.

Jewel of the Sewers
Hard to believe that most people fish in the Dalaran Sewers for giant rats and mutated fish. Especially when those waters are filled with priceless jewelry - discarded by broken hearted fools, thieves, and careless drunks. The trick is to let your hook drag the bottom and don't pull up too hard when get something. Try it out, . I'd be willing to trade whatever you find for a few trinkets of my own.
You can fish anywhere in the sewers of Dalaran for this quest. The item you are looking for is Corroded Jewelry.

Monsterbelly Appetite
It seems a recent deep sea fishing trip went very wrong. The boat capsized, and one of the fisherman lost an arm to a hungry monsterbelly. Our first aid clinic promises they can reattach the arm if we can bring it back. You fish long enough where monsterbellies are found, and I'd bet my favorite fishing pole our little monsterbelly will show his ugly face. Find that arm, and bring it to Olisarra the Kind here in Dalaran. She'll know what to do.
Use my hot spot for Deep Sea Monsterbellies in Dragonblight. Fly south out of Dalaran and head to about 58,80 in Dragonblight. Stand on one of the broken pillars and fish from there. If you go elsewhere, make sure it says you are in the "Frozen Sea" before you start fishing. You're looking to catch a Bloated Monsterbelly. When you get one of these, open it up and you will find the Severed Arm in there.

Dangerously Delicious
The best fishing is often the most dangerous. Wintergrasp boasts a bountiful catch for the brazen. In fact, it's the only place to catch the fabled Terrorfish - a fish both lethal and delicious. Bring me some, and we'll have something to discuss.
Fish in any lake in Lake Wintergrasp until you catch 10 Terrorfish.

The Ghost Fish
Any Northrend angler worth salt knows about the pygmy suckerfish. It's not edible, but sometimes useful to alchemists. There is, however, a stealthy fish that hides among the suckerfish in the River's Heart of Sholazar Basin. The phantom ghostfish. When out of water, they become increasingly translucent until they fade away completely. Some hypothesize they return to Sholazar, and others are more... superstitious. I want you to catch this fish and discover it's secret by any means!
Go to the River's Heart in the center of Sholazar Basin and fish there until you catch a Phantom Ghostfish. Once you catch it, you must eat it within 1 minute to complete the quest or it will disappear.

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