Prospecting is one of the most essential ways to make money with Jewelcrafting. You can get oreand prospect it to sell the gems or to cut and sell the gems. The chart below will show you the most profitable ores to prospect, what gems you can get by prospecting them, and how much the gems sell for on the Auction House. When prospecting you'll often receive more than one green gem per prospect.
Type of Ore to Prospect | Gems that can be Received | Percentage from Prospecting | Average Auction House Sell Value |
Titanium | Titanium Powder | 75% | |
Majestic Zircon | 4-5% | ||
Ametrine | 4-5% | Variable | |
King's Abmer | 4-5% | ||
Dread Stone | 4-5% | ||
Cardinal Ruby | 4-5% | ||
Eye of Zul | 4-5% | ||
Rare Gems (see below) | 25% | ||
Uncommon Gems (see | 100% | ||
below) | |||
Cobalt | Huge Citrine (1-2) | 25.00% | 2g |
Dark Jade (1-2) | 25% | 1g | |
Shadow Crystal (1-2) | 25% | 1g | |
Sun Crystal (1-2) | 25% | 2g | |
Chalcedony (1-2) | 25% | 2g | |
Bloodstone (1-2) | 25% | 2g | |
Monarch Topaz | 1.2% | 50g | |
Scarlet Ruby | 1.3% | 80g | |
Sky Sapphire | 1.2% | 10g | |
Forest Emerald | 1.3% | 8g | |
Autumn's Glow | 1.2% | 30g | |
Twilight Opal | 1.2% | 20g | |
Saronite | Huge Citrine (1-2) | 18.00% | 2g |
Dark Jade (1-2) | 18.00% | 1g | |
Shadow Crystal (1-2) | 18.00% | 1g | |
Sun Crystal (1-2) | 18.00% | 2g | |
Chalcedony (1-2) | 18.00% | 2g | |
Bloodstone (1-2) | 18.00% | 2g | |
Monarch Topaz | 4% | 50g | |
Scarlet Ruby | 4% | 80g | |
Sky Sapphire | 4% | 10g | |
Forest Emerald | 4% | 8g | |
Autumn's Glow | 4% | 30g | |
Twilight Opal | 4% | 20g |
Cutting Gems
You can make money cutting any types of gems but certain gems are far more profitable. As you re prospecting ore you'll likely get lots of green gems that you can cut, sell as they are, save for turn ins for Jewelcrafting dailies, or cut them and sell them. My recommendation is to use your best judgment on what to do with these types of gems and to pay closer attention to the rare gems. I have listed some of the most profitable gems to make and have made sure to include the top four-five cuts for each of them.
Epic gems and their cuts were made available after Patch 3.2. Each realm's prices are based on who is actively cutting and selling which gems. The best way to find out where you fit into this is finding which gems are minimally supplied but remain high in demand. This will help you determine which cuts to make available.
Here is a list of some of the higher volume cuts that I watch on a regular basis and should provide a good model for selecting which cuts you will purchase next. Even on bank alts on realms where I don't have a Jewelcrafter I will watch these gems and find JCs for cuts when the time is right:
- Cardinal Ruby: Runed, Delicate, Bold, and Bright
- King's Amber: Smooth, Thick, Mystic and Rigid
- Majestic Zircon: Solid and Lustrous
- Ametrine: Veiled and Glinting
- Eye of Zul: Vivid, Enduring and Steady
- Dreadstone: Shifting, Regal, Glowing and Balanced
Item | Pattern Source |
Enchanted Tear | Trainer |
Destructive Skyflare Diamond | Rare Northrend Drop |
Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Chaotic Skyflare Diamond | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Ember Skyflare Diamond | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond | Knight Dameron, Wintergrasp or Morgan Day, Wintergrasp or Stone Guard Mukar, Wintergrasp |
Insightful Earthsiege Diamond | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Relentless Earthsiege Diamond | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Eternal Earthsiege Diamond | Rare Northrend Drop |
Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Beaming Earthsiege Diamond | Rare Northrend Drop |
Reckless Monarch Topaz | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Glimmering Monarch Topaz | Cielstrasza, Wyrmrest Temple - Dragonblight |
Luminous Monarch Topaz | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Stalwart Monarch Topaz | Rare Northrend Drop |
Champion's Monarch Topaz | Rare Northrend Drop |
Bold Scarlet Ruby | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Fractured Scarlet Ruby | Rare Northrend Drop |
Runed Scarlet Ruby | Archmage Alvareaux - Dalaran |
Delicate Scarlet Ruby | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Bright Scarlet Ruby | Trainer |
Lustrous Sky Sapphire | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Stormy Sky Sapphire | Knight Dameron, Wintergrasp or Morgan Day, Wintergrasp or Stone Guard Mukar, Wintergrasp |
Solid Sky Sapphire | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Sparkling Sky Sapphire | Trainer |
Jagged Forest Emerald | Tanak, Frenzyheart Hill – Sholazar Basin |
Energized Forest Emerald | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Enduring Forest Emerald | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Lambent Forest Emerald | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Vivid Forest Emerald | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Quick Autumn's Glow | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Mystic Autumn's Glow | Knight Dameron, Wintergrasp or Morgan Day, Wintergrasp or Stone Guard Mukar, Wintergrasp |
Rigid Autumn's Glow | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Smooth Autumn's Glow | Lillehoff, Dun Niffelem – The Storm Peaks |
Brilliant Autumn's Glow | Trainer |
Purified Twilight Opal | Rare Northrend Drop |
Defender's Twilight Opal | Rare Northrend Drop |
Sovereign Twilight Opal | Rare Northrend Drop |
Glowing Twilight Opal | Duchess Mynx, The Shadow Vault - Icecrown |
Shifting Twilight Opal | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran |
Crafting Epics
There are epic items that can be crafted through Jewelcrafting to make gold. The following epics listed in the chart below are some of the best gold making epics to try to sell as a Jewelcrafter.
Item | Pattern Source | Value |
Titanium Earthguard Chain | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 2400g |
Titanium Spellshock Necklace | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 1800g |
Titanium Impact Choker | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 1200g |
Titanium Spellshock Ring | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 1500g |
Titanium Impact Band | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 744g |
Titanium Earthguard Ring | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 798g |
Titanium Frostguard Ring | Anuur, Icecrown or Tiffany Cartier, Dalaran | 665g |
Doing Dailies
Doing Jewelcrafting dailies is important for making gold for several reasons. First off Jewelcrafting dailies are very easy to complete and they provide you with Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Tokens, which can be used to buy patterns to make more valuable items and gems to sell and to buy Dragon's Eyes to either sell on the Auction House or to use to make valuable epic items to sell. If you really need gold I recommend you do the Jewelcrafting dailies for these reasons and very simply because the dailies are very easy to do and you will get 13g 23s (at 80) just for doing them. I recommend that you save some Bloodstone, Dark Jade, Huge Citrine, Chalcedony, Shadow Crystal, and Sun Crystal because they are required for turning in with the dailies.
You can do one Jewelcrafting daily per day and must be at least level 65 with at least level 350 Jewelcrafting. Every Jewelcrafting daily is obtained by visiting Timothy Jones (the Grand Master Jewelcrafting Trainer) in Dalaran. Also, every quest is turned in to him.
Note: I have included maps for the most convenient zones to obtain the quest items from but you can get the items from other zones in Northrend.
Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet
“Combine a Vrykul Amulet, a Dark Jade and a Bloodstone to make a Blood Jade Amulet and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran. “
The Vrykul Amulet drops off any Vrykul in Northrend.
You can find them off of the Vrykuls in The Storm Peaks in the areas circled in the map below.

Shipment: Bright Armor Relic
“Combine an Elemental Armor Scrap, a Bloodstone and a Huge Citrine to craft a Bright Armor
Relic and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”
The Elemental Armor Scrap drops off of any Revenant in Northrend.
The map below shows the most concentrated areas of Revenants in Dragonblight.

Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine
“Combine Shoveltusk Ivory, a Chalcedony and a Shadow Crystal to create a Glowing Ivory igurine and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”
The Shoveltusk Ivory drops off of any Shoveltusk in Northrend.
The map below shows the most concentrated areas of Shoveltusk in The Howling Fjord.

Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine
“Combine a Proto Dragon Bone, a Chalcedony and a Dark Jade to craft an Intricate Bone Figurine and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”
The Proto Dragon Bone drops off of any Proto Dragon in Northrend.
See the map below for where to get the Proto Dragon Bone in The Storm Peaks.

Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio
“Combine a Scourge Curio, a Sun Crystal and a Shadow Crystal to make a Shifting Sun Curio and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”
The Scourge Curio drops off of any Scourge in Northrend.
The map below shows the most concentrated areas of Scourge in Crystalsong Forest.

Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch
“Combine an Iron Dwarf Brooch, a Huge Citrine and a Sun Crystal to create a Wicked Sun Brooch
and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.”
The Iron Dwarf Brooch drops off of any Iron Dwarf in Northrend.
The following map shows the most concentrated areas of Iron Dwarves in The Storm Peaks.

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