Saturday, May 8, 2010

How I made 1,000g in 15 minutes

I have not tested this out on any other servers besides US. If you are in EU
You are doing this at your OWN RISK of being banned. US does NOT ban for
casino's or in game gambling. However there have been Reports of EU players
getting in trouble for gambling. In US as long as you PAYOUT, and not be a
cheapskate you are doing fine. Remember its all Social Workings. You are
selling PLAIN LETTERS! You are not selling the chance to buy anything. You
are selling PLAIN LETTERS and some of them are vouchers for gifts.

First this is NOT A SCAM If you SCAM, you WILL be a SCAMMER and YOU WILL BE BANNED! Everyone in this will get gold. Even the losers.. this is how you stay out of trouble.

Posting, like the screenie below. I am posting on my Alt. Kookies in which I had a GM reply.

LEGAL, any person who gets banned for this is a retard and did not follow my directions. If you do not pay out, its a scam. Scam = Ban. I have been doing this for 5 years now. Don't tell me your getting banned for it.

Requirements: Alt in a city - Same Faction.

Step 1. The boring part, copy this sentence.

"Thanks for trying to find the prize. This is not a winner! However, if you return this to (your name) you will get 1g back."

Step 2. Using your Alt, create alot of mail to yourself. When I say alot.. I am talking like 700-800 plain letters. It really doesn't take a long time. Mail to your main.

The Reason you are mailing to your main is because it creates a "created by" this is used for tracking purposes. Now if someone comes to redeem it, you can tell if its your alt or not. Its also a way to people cannot dupe you by sending themselves mail.

Step 3. Create 2-5 winners. I use 25g, frozen Orb, and trash in my bag usually. Mail this sentence to yourself.
"Your a Winner! You won [insert prize]. Take this back to XXX or send back to XXX for your prize!"


Step 4. Log onto your main. Go to your Mail Box, and then open each letter up. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE A COPY OF THE LETTER!


Step 5. Upload all the letters to the AH. I use 5g Buyouts.

Step 6. Social Engineering. Talk about it in trade. I use this Macro.

"Step right up.. are you lucky? Some people may win a Primodial Saronite. Some may win a Frozen Orb... could you be the lucky 1000g winner? Buy [Plain Letter] in the AH from me [Name] 5g per try! garunteed 1g back!"

Step 7. Profit from people buying your letters. When they come to claim the prize, just check it out. If its from your ALT when you hover over the letter, your fine. If its not, someones trying to scam you.

Q: Why do I pay 1g back to people that return the letter?
A: Because its a pain to have to rinse and repeat every 10 minutes. The 1 gold is to make people bring your plain letters back. Now you dont have to remail everything from your alt as you will have people giving your letter back to you.

Q: Is this bannable?
A: " From US Tanaris - ******* while this is not a bannable offense you may have people dislike you in the long run. What you are doing is complete and legal. It is not against Blizzard WoW TOS in any means, people will pay for anything won't they? .... However, I do suggest making sure you reword yourself carefully. Ingame advertisement is not allowed, but you are allowed to state you posted auctions, which you did."


I do this every day. Last night I pulled in close to 51k.

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